Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rose Valentine Part One

February 17, 2008
Note to self:
Girl, you are NOT ready for this relationship! Quit second guessing yourself and look deep into your heart. You know you have no desire for a boyfriend. Don't force yourself, girl. Are you ready for that first kiss? Are you ready to take care of that boy? NO. You are not mature enough. You are simply not ready for this. You're not even sure if you really really like him or if he really, really, likes you! He doesn't even have the guts to admit it, much less give you a simple greeting in the hallway! Don't you want a man? A real man? He's sweet, he's intelligent, and his eyes set you on fire, but his words do not touch you. You really don't know him at all, do you?
No... you don't. And, he doesn't even know you that well either. Does he know your hopes and dreams? What touches you or makes tears slither down your cheeks? Does he know your strong commitment to purity, your love for white roses? Does he know that you feel terribly alone, that for some reason you seem to disconnect from people? That, your heart's desires are fame and true love? NO. This boy hasn't taken the time to pursue your mind. You like communication and he "can't speak". Don't waste your time, girlie. Don't chase after a boy. Forget about him. Find a guy who actually meets your standards. Just concentrate on those a's.

With undying love,

Rose <3

Cheer quote of the day:" The spirit is always in heart and sparkles in the eyes."


Anonymous said...

omg that was good! lol. you never run out of things to post do u??

Anonymous said...

I agree with Allie You never do run out of things to say. All your posts are amazing. Please tell me what is your secret for keeping such a well keeped and intresting blog. The pictures with it are just the icing on the cake! You truly do have some writing talent!

PS: Thanks for the Comment


Anonymous said...

I don't mean "some" as little talent I mean it Has some Peice of Talent You have. What I am trying to say here is when I said the Word Some I didn't mean very little. :-D.haha Sorry, I am that kind of person who says one thing and then is afraid I said it wrong or the other person will take it the wrong way. :-D

Anonymous said...

I really really like that post!! it has a really good message to it! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog.

Samuel Lago Pedro said...

hi, yes, i agree... you must have some secret to write like that... my god... you'r great... cuz ur posts are all very interesting. the issues that you talk about are really well chosen. ;)

keep on...

Smara said...

Wow, good luck with that guy. I write notes to myself all the time, haha =]

Stephanie said...

That really made me think.. About stuff... lol
It made sense, and you're right. You shouldn't waste your time on someone, when you could have something better. =D

Anonymous said...

Wow... You are a really good writer and that is so true. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

Skippy said...

Say it girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I KNOW!!! It's a crime like no other! Ugh It angers me....haha Sorry for the little anger moment.

Hannah said...

You are so right. Consentrate on what really matters, and what you really care about. Forget about boys, you have more things to focus on! I think we all do, haha! Just do what you think you need to do :D

Bombchell said...

hope it gets less complicated.

ps thanks for the music thing, just listed to flotbots (good gosh i thought it was Travi from Gym Class Heroes lol)

pps: I normally hate music that starts instantly but i LOVE u're songs.

Jordyn said...

great post--as usual--it made me think about who i like, and how much he doesnt know, and who does...

ellie said...

A lot of the things you wrote are easier said than done, sometimes.

Nothing worse than having to witness a best friend chase a guy to the point they might as well have knocked them down and given them the yoggies. Hormones can go gagaaa. And the girl or boy for that matter who can pretty much stay aloof..well, the better.

And yet, that can lead to awkward moments when someone gets the idea that "You're just playing hard to get..."

Its a fickle world. Even surrealistic at times. But stay strong. Enjoy your own company. At the end of the day, that's who you sleep with.

Brandi said...

You are an AMAZING writer! I wish I could write half as good as you.

Sianne I Am said...

Wow! That was really empowering. It made me think about my relationship w/ AY. Now I'm second-guessing wether I have any reason to like him. Or any other guy... :)