Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The older brother I wish I had

I wish I had an older brother. My sisters and I have discussed this with each other before. Whenever there was a bug and none of us wanted to kill it (and if our father weren't home at the time) we would complain and say, "Where's our older brother?" There are other reasons why I would like one. Some of the reasons are hard to explain with words so, those would be left in silence. Sure, older brothers can be annoying from what I've heard. Especially when it comes to their sisters dating boys. But not all of them act that way. My cousins James and J.R are unbelievably overprotective. He even doesn't want me or my sisters to be friends with boys! I actually find his over protectiveness very touching. That's what I like and don't mind having on a daily basis.

I mean I don't actually desire that kind of attention, but it can be quite funny to me. And also, when someone is over protective, it just means they care. But yes, that can get extremely irritating. Especially if parents are that way. I kind of like the 'brotherly way.'James just cares about the girls in his life and yet, he has no respect for the other ones out there. James is a total player. Anyway, My dad can be overprotective but not as much as James. And, J.R is just ridiculous. He slapped me for looking at Zac Efron pictures. *roll eyes* They're both older brothers of sisters and they get slightly overwhelmed because we have a lot of girls in the family. If I had a brother, my mom and dad said that they would name him 'Matt.' "Maybe we have a long lost brother!" I suggested one day. My sisters began to babble at once in agreement, while my mom just laughed. I know, I know. Silly dream.

My dad is hardly ever home and sometimes us girls need some male company. This how I would picture Matt: Strong, over protective and intelligent. He would always be there for the family and he would know what to do when we are stuck in a situation. I mean, I'm not a lousy big sister, it's just that I need an older sibling to help me out as well. I always end up becoming puzzled as my sisters. Basically, I just can't close to the guys in my family. There are only a few of them who are a bit older than me and we barely exchange words with each other.
ahahaha what a dumb post. :/

cheer quote of the day: "Cheerleaders are dancers, gymnasts, and athletes. Tell me what other sport is all three at once."


Yukio said...

Thanks for the comment! To be honest I didn't read any of your posts yet; I have to leave my house soon and your posts are considerably long. But I promise I will read them later.

Karine said...

I wish I had an older brother too!!!
I'm an older sister..That's not very cool...


Beautiful IPod!



just,sarah. said...

yeah i am the oldest in my family and the brother we DO have is like 2 and the other is 3! haha. and i hate bugs! hahaha thanks for the comment.

Speak ur peace on my blogs!<33

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment!
i wish i had an older brother too, i have an older sister and she's...eh. theres three boys next door and i consider them my brothers, cause we pretty much grew up together.

Anonymous said...

I'm the oldest one in my family and I have ALWAYS wanted an older brother or sister to teach me everything I know!!! -Krosemarie

Smara said...

It's not a dumb post, you've got a good thought there. I've always wondered what it'd be like to have a brother or a sister .. since I am an only child.

tiana b. said...

I've always wanted an older brother too. I just rely on my uncles & older cousins, but I don't see them on the regular basis. My dad is barely home either!

Sharon said...

Hi there-its nice you girls have each other-I'm an only child, so that was quite lonely sometimes!!

Sarah said...

I already have 2 older brothers and i'm the youngest. not to mention that I'm the only girl, other than aunts and a gramma, in my entire extended family. plus there are 12 other boys in the family.
but i guess if i were the oldest i would want someone to take care of me and take the weight of being responsible for everyone of my shoulders once to.
hit back

Skippy said...

That's funny about you cousins. I have a few friends that act simalar to that level of protectiveness.

I love having a older brother. I mean when I was a lot younger I really didn't like the idea(lol). But now it's nice to have him there, plus we have a lot of things in common to talk about...it's great.

Jordyn said...

okay, so i have a younger brother, and they are not as great as you think. well, younger ones anyways...but i have a really close cousin thats 4 months older than me and he is SOOO overprotective... he didnt let me do wrestling, and he gets like super idk...irritated at boys i "go out" with...idk... sometimes its nice... but at the same time i just wish he would just shutup.

Hey Rose its Sianne. I totally understand why you would want an older brother (for the reasons you put)but thats really not what they are like. My older bother Michael is 19 and he is hardly ever home. Even when he is home, he doesn't pay that much attention to me. I remember like 2 months ago he and 2 of my other siblings came over and told me they were going to dinner and a movie. He didn't even invite me. I felt so alienated and unwanted. It was so depressing. Its on small occasion that Michael is nice to me. Overall, big brothers really aren't that great, sorry to just rain on your parade. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :-)

Angela said...

brothers are great but they will kill the bug for the girlfriend faster than us... trust me. what about some guy friends....

Emily said...

ok 4 some weird reason ive always wanted a big brother too i dont no y but i just do. btw ur blog is so kool i love it.


Tiana Cole said...

I am right with you. I'm the oldest in my family, and I SO wish I had an older brother. There are one or two of my older guy friends that I treat like brothers, though, and it's great to know they can be there for me when I need them. <3

Olivia Fuller said...

Muchos gracias for the comment :).
Ahh, I totally get where you're coming from on the whole brother thing, I've spent like my entire life wanting siblings to interact with because I'm an only child. It really does help though, when you aquire friends who take that place though :). Like I consider my boyfriend's whole family, my own family.
Well I like your blog, and I'll keep reading what you have to say :)

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the comments of the Random is Alive blog. Ha!
I got an older brother but he is really not responsible. And my mom actually kills the bugs. She is use to it. Weird, huh? My brother is like all the others. Wants to be a gangster. And I am confused. He doesn't let me have a bf either. Even though I don't want one yet. He is not the older brother I wanted. I want a brother that is mostly like a guy I hang out all the time at school.. just my luck. And for the record I didn't want to rub in that I had a brother.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment. I have two brothers. One older and one younger. But definitely my older brother is fun to hang out with, probably because we're one year apart and we hang out with somewhat of the same people. I like messing around with him and we somewhat have a competive rivalry when it comes to sports and video games. But it's all in good fun. =)

Miss. Maddie said...

I know how you feel. I've always wanted one too. But I have two guy friends that are pratically my brothers and their very pertective and teach me a lot.

**Miss. Maddie**

*October said...

my gosh i've always i mean, ALWAYS have wanted a big brother!
to have someone look after me yet get me annoyed is one of my wishes.
well too late now right?

anaaaaaaishh :D said...

i completely agree. i have always wanted a big borther:] also. i think eric is going to invite Will to VBS yayyy!!!

1olinluvr4evr said...

Hey. Omg u should be glad u don't have older brothers. They always pick on u... like older brother's usually do. lol. i have ALOT of older brothers plus one other brother. and a sister. they r so annoying!



I've always wanted an older brother too. Cute story. :)

unknown to man-kind said...

i agree. having an older brother would be fun. cute blog.

-victoria =)

chloe33 said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I have one younger sister so I really wish I have an older brother. I don't exactly know why but those things you posted are the main reasons..i think.

Anyways, you have such an awesome blog! I still have a long way to go. I just started blogging couple of days ago.
have a nice day =]

- chloe

turnabout said...

Haha, I have two older brothers.
It's not all it's cracked up to be.=P
I mean sure, I love them to death and all -but- they can be a really nuisance.

One is so overprotective it hurts at times (like your cousins) and the other one, the oldest one (my senior by... like 6-7 years), is still just a big baby. As in he still thinks sitting on me and tickling me to get his way is okay; mind you, he's over 200 pounds. On top of that the over protective brother (the one I much prefer, even though I shouldn't) is the best big brother but he's made the worst mistakes and he sets the -worst- example ever. Mistakes that leave me behind picking up the pieces. And crying. He knows what he does hurts me but as far as he can tell all he has to do is tell me not to do what he does.
I mean I know not all big brothers are like this, but just know that sometimes they cause more grief then it's worth.

I don't want to sound like a downer or anything because I -do- have really good memories with my brothers, but at times the bad ones out weigh the good ones. o_o

Anonymous said...

Trust me! you do not want to have brothers, or brother. I have two, if one isnt even enough already, and one is so arrogant it makes me want to tear his head off, sometimes when he has a good day I can laugh and joke, but mostly its hell, and the older one, damn! he is soooooo....grrrrrr, I dont know how to say it, he broke two of my ribs and we are forever getting into fights and he has never ever once said a thankyou, or sorry or anything.
Lol, I think I needed to get that off my chest!