Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sorry babe, I'm deaf to your negativity

How to block out negativity from others and even yourself.
  1. Yes, I know that life isn't that simple, but it is possible to have peace of mind. First step, point out all of the wonderful and beautiful things about you. && no comparisons. That totally defeats the purpose of the exercise.
  2. Write down words of positivity and decorate them in your life. In other terms, use the words all over the place. "Yeah, I can do this, no problem." Even if you're beginning to feel a little frustration with yourself, take a deep breath and smile.
  3. Laugh at yourself when you make mistakes. Shrug your shoulders and move on with your life. Well, okay it's all depending on what the mistake is, but you get my drift.
  4. Here's a dare: When you're feeling angry with yourself write down how many people you know or you've heard of that has achieved perfection in every single thing they've done. Can't do it? Duh. So, why beat yourself up? Life's not perfect, so neither are we.
  5. People bringing you down? Toss your hair over your shoulder, gloss your lips, bat your eyelashes, and move on with your day. (Well in this case if your guy, you really can't gloss your lips or any of the sort so just man up and walk away) Become deaf to negativity. Just smile and say in a sweet voice, "Oh ,and you're perfect?"
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

Sorry babe, I went deaf to your negativity but don't bother repeating yourself.


Sarah said...

hey :) thanks for your comment :) your blog is hottt :)
and eeeeek that's so clever ^^^^ deffo know i'd only ever manage number three though.. oh the joys of no self confidence haha.

m. said...

what a lovely post :)