Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Self Care

Finally. I have time to write.
Well, I actually don't have the time to blog, but I take self-care very seriously. As I merge into the last full week of school, I find myself drowning in an ocean of assignments that I failed to complete ahead of time. Despite all of the last minute assignments, I am feeling at peace. Peace is such a powerful emotion that can be diminished in seconds. The beauty of peace is that it is completely and utterly in our control. No matter what kind of schedule my life tosses at me, I never hesitate to grab my gym bag and hit the door. I surf Pintrest, chat with my mother, and text my love ones throughout the day when I make the time to free my mind. Consistently, I make wholesome and healthy good food choices that will allocate the energy I need to smile and conquer the day before sunrise. Self care requires effort and our souls would thank us in the long run. I get up in the morning and prepare breakfast while tending to my hair and makeup. Assignments, meetings, and the like are important, but we mustn't forget that our health- mentally and physically require our attention as well. Life can bring us down, but we can bring ourselves up by taking care of the inside. I had a paper due Monday, today along with a test, and for the rest of the week I have papers demanding my attention. I refuse to let school distract me from my holiday joy. It's Christmastime and having a moment to enjoy a Charlie Brown cartoon  or a little therapy is absolutely shameless in my book. I start my vacation a week from today and I am  most elated to blog daily and share what is written on my heart.

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