Saturday, December 13, 2014

Do you see what I see?

Never let the challenges of your daily life blind you from the sunlight that God has for you at the end of the tunnel. We were never promised an easy life, but victories are not selective. We were given the choice to fight or flight. Never underestimate the power of hope, faith, and love. You owe it to yourself. 
Each day that you wake up and your mind rattles to determine the day, the time, and what needs to get done, remember that you were created for a purpose. 
You matter. 
Get up, grab your coffee and let the world know who you are. If you don't know who you are, get down on your knees before you sleep at night. Study how your heart criesbreaks, and smiles. We only have one life to live. Don't waste it not knowing who you are. Because if you don't know... No one else could.  I urge you to never define your heart by earthly standards. These standards are sugar traced with dirt. You are enough.

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