Wednesday, July 29, 2009


That's me. I don't like this picture. Anyway...
Everything is just fine now, although I'm feeling pretty sad.
I ate a box of junior mints and fell asleep for about an hour. Didn't help.
I was so very close to losing something so good, but "when I caught myself, I had to stop myself, from saying something that I should of never thought."(lyrics from Paramore. Fit perfectly for this situation)
Told you. I can't stand myself.
I didn't lose Brody. In fact, we're pretty much defined. In other words, he has feelings for me and we're still going to go on dates. "You're the girl that I like..." He's such a sweet person, that Brody Mingram. He honestly does care and I am so thankful for him. "I just don't wanna rush stuff. You know that's never good." I treat Brody like a big brother. We haven't kissed yet- I adore friendship. && I really want to see him, more than ever before. Summer is almost over...
I want to say more about this, but I think this topic is becoming such a bore to you readers that I'm going to put a stop to this. Time to talk of something new. Just to let you know, a redlight is flashing in my life right now. Not giving out names yet, but I have to watch out for myself.
I went outside a lot today and I spoke to God aloud. I left my Blackberry inside the house, because I was certain it was going to distract me. My "redlight" constantly blows up my phone. Today, I thought I was going to scream. Redlight is nice to talk to, but I don't like having my Blackberry by me all the time. Sometimes, I just like to toss it on my bed and spend some time doing something else. Redlight gets impatient and sends me more than one message. It's fine really... redlight just needs someone to talk to. I honestly think I'm too available. Can you blame me though? With no job nor car what am I to do? It feels nice to have someone who always wants to talk to you... not unless they're a redlight.


Natalie said...

Why don't you like that picture? You look fantastic! :D I'm glad to hear that things are working out with Brody, that's awesome :) I know what you mean about Redlight-kind-of-people... where they just annoy you so much that you're to the point of throwing your phone out the window :P Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

You look great in that picture! I hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

That is an adorable picture :)

You're very smart, I know you'll get through things, I'll pray for you :)

Nicole Linette said...

I love this picture -- your smile, your shirt, your pose, everything! It's adorable. I understand that feeling of needing to get away from technology for a bit.. but it's amusing though when people resend texts or freak out because I don't respond. They gotta understand, though, being connected all the time isn't healthy.
