Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I've got a feelin'
That tonight's gonna be a bad, bad, night.
For real... I can't believe I have to do this. I'm not even sure how Brody Mingram feels for me, but... dang. I am so confused. I mean, Brody and I are just friends, but I feel like I'm tied down to him some how. Our communciation is way off. Why am I questioning myself if he sees in me in a romantic light like he did at the beginning of summer? As you readers know, I've met someone else and I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, to date two guys. Heck no, forget it. I'm not playing anybody. Brody asked me when we were hanging again and I had to think before I had to respond to that simple text. Hanging as friends? Sure. Brody, oh my goodness WHATAREWE? I'm not attracted to him anymore. And I've got to tell him. I've met someone else you know... someone who actually wants to talk to me, spend a whole day with me... Brody never put in any effort nor showed that he cared. And come to think of it, I've never feel breathless or butterflies fluttering in my stomach for him anymore. It's all Samir. After that whole,"Dude, you never call me" situation Brody and I had a month ago, he STILL doesn't call me. Obviously, He doesn't care. We've had that discussion three times... I'm just falling for Samir and it's so ridculous too. This is the way I feel, I cannot help it.
Gosh, I cannot bear to lose Brody Mingram or hurt him for that matter. I can't stand myself. "Rose, you're not going to hurt him! Stephanie Callahan exclaimed to me last night. "He had his chance and he blew it! Like, all summer!" "Yeah, Rose my sister added. "You haven't done anything wrong by talking to Samir. It's not like Brody is your boyfriend, you just gotta tell him that you don't feel the same way anymore and you've met someone else." I'm all about honesty. I've got to tell Brody tonight.
Oh gosh I don't want to hurt him. Why can't I get scorned?
I'm going to talk to Melanie Lane about this, because she knows more about Brody and I then anyone else. Then... I'll call him. You know, a part of me feels like I shouldn't have to tell Brody anything. We're just friends right? Why must I tell him I like someone else if we're just friends?
Girl, you know you two exchanged feelings.
Yeah, at the beginning of summer.
What if he still likes you like that?
If he does, then he doesn't show it. Like, no one can tell. Not even Stephanie Garcia.
Rose, wait a mintue-
WHY are you always telling me to wait? Listen, I know how Brody acts. He never really showed he cared nor put in any effort. Who was the one making the phone calls, the dates- the effort? Me. I feel like I've been chasing after him all summer, wasting my time with a guy who probably isn't that interested in me. There's a guy who is actually interested in me, girl... he wants to know my heart. He said so.

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