Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ballet Recital

Hahaha I have a ballet recital and guess who's skipping it?
I know shameful, but I REALLY REALLY hate ballet. And since I've missed so many practices, I can hardly remember the routine. I attended the dress rehearsals and all and then I found out that there's another routine I have to learn and well, you can say I give up after that. Oh, gosh do you think I'm doing a horrible thing? I mean, I'm terrible with ballet! I guarantee you that I would of messed up and make my class look bad in front of everybody. I feel horrible now, because my mom paid for the costume and everything(Somehow, I've misplaced it. Ugh, I'm so stupid sometimes) but, she didn't argue with me about skipping the recital. (Which starts in ten minutes as I sit here typing this) She thought dance was a waste of money. I have to agree. I love dancing and all but, it's just too demanding. Sports of better. You get into shape faster.

Anyway, Lexi called me and invited me to go on vacay with her sometime this month! YAY! We're going to a large resort in North Carolina where they have the best ice cream and beach parties. I am super excited. Lexi hopes that I will meet someone( a boy, *cough *cough*) new. LOL! I hope so too!

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