Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday. Praise the Lord!

Wow, this week went by fast! It was very stressful. I had tons of work and my teachers were being a lot more strict then usual. I passed my algebra test :) and aced my science. Not a lot happened this week. My life is pretty much boring. Lol. I went to confession on Tuesday and today. Only God can make me feel good. In this world, I feel soiled and spoilt with sin. Bitter with wrath, while my heart twists into mixed emotions. My day started off well and ended horribly. Gosh. What a crappy week. I'm definitely not on cloud nine today. My emotions are actually quite comical. One moment, I'm feeling blissful, and then the next, my self esteem takes a nasty dive and sinks into a storm. Today, I feel as if I'm an idiot that can't figure anything out. Thoughts such as, "I'm not smart enough. I bore no sense of intelligence that would blow one's mind. I am not beautiful. I am ugly. Who in the world would want me? I am worthless.
I really don't know why I'm feeling so bad.

Maybe because I was literally put on display at my lunch table by Zach commenting on my appearance. At first, I ignored him but he's so unbelievably obnoxious that I started throwing insults back at him. Of course, he was taken aback. He shouldn't. I know how to stand up for myself. It's just that at times, I keep quiet or I walk away.
I felt terrible for being so boorish to Zach and I didn't know how to apologize. Maybe, I'm really not "mean" after all. I believe I can be a very sweet person. Anyway, I really don't care anymore. Ha, you're probably wondering why I sit at near him. Wasn't my choice. I have tons of friends at the lunch table and the poor loser doesn't have any friends because he's so hurtful. Gosh, I'm so sensitive. I hate the fact that I just feel too deeply, that words sink in and melt inside of me more than they should. Anyway...

I am looking forward to this glorious weekend. I hardly have any assignments to complete. :) And, I'll be on here.

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