Monday, February 25, 2008

Alas, A New Week

It's Monday. :(

Lol, I am really terrible keeping my promises. Again, I apologize for not posting. I got home quite late and I had to make a very important phone call. I will post (I'll try!) "Falling White Roses" and several other different topics this weekend. I have so many things to share with you, my dear strangers. Anyway....

My day at school was nice. I had tons of homework(Grr!!) however, but other than that things went on smoothly.( Some creep in my year finally got the message to back off. Thank God!) Well, actually my day didn't start off too well. I arrived at school just as the bell rang(Thanks to my mother) and I didn't have time to visit my locker to get the materials I needed.
I had to rush after first period to get my things. Luckily, I made it to second period on time. Lunch was quite interesting. One the boys I sit with was getting on my nerves because he was announcing to the whole world that I liked the creep who kept texting me, which is NOT true. That sort of irritated me a bit. Such as shame. I see the creep everywhere. He's a pervert and I don't want anything to do with him. Anyway, the rest of the day was grand. Algebra wasn't too horrible. I shared a few special glances from a certain someone from across the room. It was actually quite nice. Honestly, I really don't mind when people stare at me. It makes me wonder what they're pondering about. And that, I will continue with later. :)

Goodnight! There is sooo much more but it's way past my bedtime. Yikes! It's 11:22 and I have to wake up at 5. Algebra test tomrrow. Oh gosh...

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