Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Beautiful Christmas

Gosh, there's so many things to do in this life God has blesses us with.
It's just simply so... beautiful.
I really wish I've realized this before. But God has been waiting for me to pour my heart into His. And I have....
All over again. It's the perfect feeling. So so so perfect.
Life is hitting me good. I'm graduating from highschool in five months. I must say, I will never ever forget these precious four years. I know as I get older, I would want them back. And I have so many dreams, goals, and ambitions that are hungrily lurking through my mind. They are ready to be born. But, I can't do anything without Christ. He gives me all strength. Make God your best friend, love.
It's the best feeling in the world.
I see a beautiful sunrise, sunset, or the glistening pouring rain and I smile from the beauty of it all...
It's God.
I am not an outdoors girl, and I will only go camping in a cabin, but I cannot deny that God's nature makes me think. Boy! When I see something pretty out there, my mind spins like a wheel with all sorts of memories. Even when I hear a pretty singing voice, I begin to think.I am aware that I think differently than most people.
My Christmas wish will be to never lose sight of Christ and His love.

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