Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear December

Dear December.
Well, aren't you just so beautiful?
It's Christmas, there's love, there's hope.
And guess what, December?
I think I've discovered myself.
I've lost two people who were in my life- one was a friend of a lifetime, and the other was more of a friend and he was a very bad, bad, egg. This bad egg was getting so rotten, that I really had to throw it out, because he was eating away my heart. However, I was not planning on breaking ties with a friend. I tried not to cry about it. All I can do is pray and hope everything's alright.
December, I've learned that I'm terribly sensitive. But I feel like that helps me be compassionate towards others. I've also learned that modeling has really made me self-conscious to the point that I'm constantly fussing over my makeup and appearance. It's sad, because I'm insecure. I even redo my makeup at school. I'm never really satisfied. But other than that, I'm feeling okay.
And December, I'm blessed with an angel. Seriously.Honestly. Truly...
Let's hope this isn't a trap.
My 11:11 wish...


Krosemarie said...

I LOVELOVELOVE the pictures you use for your blog!! Where did you get them?

God bless you<3


Kenna said...

Just to let you know I think Auburn's song All about him Fits your personality. it's such a cute song(: , Auburn reminds me of you(:
Hope you're doing well!