Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh, how pretty

Alice touched her heart. "I found Jesus. He's not in my closet nor in my morning tea, or Rylan's scrambled eggs. Jesus is in here. No more black hole."

Alice had forgotten everything-even God. Jesus was a stranger to her, and nights passed with prayers unspoken.Since her parent's death, everything abruptly drifted away. Depression was her only companion. Not only was her heart beseeching for shameless beauty, but her soul was yearning and thirsting for something. Someone who brought her smiles and merry dreams.

Alice's life was empty. Nothing. She looked forward to nothing, her eyes were sent on nothing,and she dreamt of nothing. Her thoughts were swirls of darkness and black holes. Broken hearts and silent screams. There was a black hole in her heart. It was growing thicker and deeper as the days unraveled and vanished. No kiss, no rain drop could heal her. Alice's fairytale past was a beautiful nightmare full of laughter, stolen kisses, and joy rides.

"Don't lie to me, she stammered."Don't." Giovonnie's face crinkled with hurt. "Why would I lie to you, Alice?" And before the girl could retort, Giovonnie slowly curled his fingers into hers. His breath caught in his throat-scarcely breathing, he leaned in and kissed Alice with passion. Such passion, that each of the souls were caught in fire. But it was quick, and as the girl watched the boy walk away from her, she looked up into heaven and saw God's smile.

"Does it take a good man to falsely confess so things could just finally settle down?"

" They let sin tear away their hearts from goodness."

"Every human being is imperfect. Human beings are so imperfect, that often those imperfections lead to evil and sin. However, every human being has the desire to be good. Goodness is the brightest gem in the human heart."

"You're beautiful." he whispered,breathlessly. Alice felt her eyes shimmer with tears. He musn't lie to her-not like everyone else. So many lies and fairytales left scars and nightmares scattered on her skin.

"I'm Giovonnie Cosby, but I'm sure you've heard of me before-"
"Yeah, yeah Alice interrupted, impatiently waving him away. "You're a little on the cocky side, aren't you?" Giovonnie grinned."A little." Alice couldn't help but notice how fairly good looking he was. His eyes were the darkest shade of emeralds- dazzling. But Giovonnie's lopsided grin sent an unusual tingle in her heart.

"Who's God?" Alice inquired, quietly. Rylan turned to look at her and he wrapped his arms around her. shoulders. He pointed to the dancing stars that were scattered on the sky. "There." He said.

"You're chasing after her?" Alice said, appalled. Giovonnie turned, his hands jammed in his pockets with his lopsided grin written on his face."God made her, he stated,happily. She's beautiful, case closed." Alice frowned at him."Is that all you like about her?" She scoffed. Givonnie shrugged. "Yeah." He turned his back on Alice and started to chase the girl of his dreams... so it seems.

I was going through some old boxes and found some beautiful crumpled paper written with words of long ago.
"And then, out of nowhere, there was rain. It fell down heavenly, sweetly, and magically on her shoulders and all over her body.
Glittering like diamonds.
It was the first time Alice felt rain pour down on her shoulders."

All by me. Rose.


Lauren said...

That's a very pretty story. But why are you always so caught up in your fantasy-dreamworld? I'm not asking that in a mean way. I just don't understand. You have such a better life in Christ to look forward to . . . an eternal and glorious life, if He has truly given you real spiritual life again.

Humans don't strive after goodness. Not on their own. The Word attests to that: Romans 3:10-12 says "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God." Scripture clearly states that humans do not look for God - for true holiness and goodness - on their own. If one is to believe anything else, one is not in agreement with what God says.

And God is not this fluffy little granddaddy in the sky; He isn't a star winking at us from the heavens; He is not your boyfriend or your bff or your husband. He is holy, pure and righteous. He is also loving, kind, and intimate.

Isaiah 6:1-3 testifies to God's power: "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."

That's how awesome and majestic He is - even the angels, who put fear in the hearts of humans, cannot look upon this God! That's how great He is - only the train of His robe fills the temple!

We cannot forget this holy and righteous side of God. We need to fear Him because of His holiness and power - after all, this God is the God who can bring dead souls to life, who can harden hearts and soften them.

Fearing God is similar to respecting a kind king. The king is not distant or remote, but he is powerful and majestic. To treat him like your drinking buddy or your mall shopping pal is an absolute insult. But to come to Him seeking advice or comfort or mercy or forgiveness - that isn't disrespectful at all.

Do not let what you want to believe twist what the Word of God actually says. It really is hard to swallow some of what the Bible says, but in the end, who are we, mere creations, to question the God of the Universe?

I pray that we shall both study His Word more, to learn what Jesus Himself says about who He is, about sin, about the fallen nature of all humans on this earth. May God bless you and your family.

Rose Valentine said...

Hi Lauren. <3
Thankyou so much for your words of wisdom. Please email me at I've been thinking for a little bit and I would love for us to discuss further.