Friday, July 9, 2010


I think emptiness is one of the worst feelings in the world.
Life can be such a nightmare.
I wish peace on earth can truly be granted.
What do you think my loves? What causes emptiness?
You have all the things in the world, but the side of your bed is empty.
You lost everything that you had and you're caught in a thunderstorm.
My mother thinks she's slightly depressed. My father is taking medication for depression.
I wish I can help them both.
Smile through the tears and get down on your knees.
All you need is God.


Kate Kwok said...

Stay strong! I hope things go better soon.

Fé... said...

Beautiful writing. And very true indeed :)

Barbara von Enger said...

Poor sweetie; I embrace you, my lovely. Thinking of you;-)