Sunday, November 22, 2009

I will never understand these terrible feelings

Brody used me?
And he has new girlfriend already.
Vomit. I'm trying to hold back tears as I'm writing to you.
My mom got a kidney stone and she's suffering from depression.
My cheerleading coach threatened to bench me, because I fail to remember most of the cheers. (I'm a slow learner when it comes to learning dance rountines, cheer motions, etc. All it takes is patience with me and repetition.)
My grades are slipping as the work becomes harder.
I feel like I'm losing my connection with Christ. At night before I lay down to rest, my prayers are rushed.
In general...
I hate my life.
Loathe it.
Despise it.
And oh, I honestly think that relationships, dating, and love all together is the worst thing any human can experience.
Because, we are always breaking each other apart. Too many feelings get involved and people get hurt all the time. I don't care if that's part of the process, I highly doubt God wanted human love to turn out that way. Love sucks. I'm not taking anymore chances. I don't even care if I don't meet another guy for the rest of highschool. I'm always getting hurt and disappointed.


Mel Ico said...

To live is to feel. That feeling is not always good but we try all the same, if only for a brief period of happiness.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Love sucks and I've decided that I'm not going to waste my time on boys because you just end up getting hurt in the end.

Love always ends in pain.

Bombchell said...

((huge hugs)) Im so sorry, and i hope it all gets better soon

Lina said...

Love really does suck but in the end youll find someone that it doesn't end in pain with. Lol im the opptimist for just about everything. And even though it doesn't seem like it everything will turn out how its sapose to.

Kaitlin said...

*hug* love sucks. hope you have a good Thanksgiving :)

Kait said...

It seems like in life everything has to pile up until we nearly break before a ray of sunshine comes through. I hope there is a ray of sunshine lurking around the corner for you. At the end of the day love yourself, believe in yourself. Regardless of a foolish boy or an overbearing coach you were meant to soar : )

Shu said...

Awww ;( Hun, these feelings are gonna happen, but don't let them get you down! Just remember that God is always there with you, man! It'll get bad, and it may even get worse, but if you give up now, what have you got to show for it? You don't! Don't let the circumstances win! D:

And I totally understand the Cheerleading thing. I joined Color Guard this year and it was hell because I was the slowest learner. >_< But it'll get better once you catch on ^^

Sophia said...

aw, man. hang in there! life has peaks and valleys, and you're clearly in a valley. it's tough feeling like everything, everything is falling apart. don't worry, a peak will come sometime soon :)