Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Message

I think God is trying to send me a message. I honestly think so.
Last night, I had a dream. It wasn't your ordinary dream where most of the time things don't make sense. This dream had something to do for what I've been praying about. I remember bits and pieces of it but it's difficult to describe. For quite sometime, I've been praying and asking God for guidance for the Pure Love Club at my school. What is the Pure Love Club you ask? It is a club where we promote the message, "Save sex for marriage." (I will go into more detail next week) I got the idea off http://www.pureloveclub. net and then I said to myself, "My school should have this!" The only worries I have are persuading the school to have this club and the amount of people who are willing to join. I've gathered some members now, because I know for a fact that the school can't let this club down.

I feel so so passionate about living a pure life. I've talked about it to people who are struggling with purity and even a close guyfriend. I think if I put out this message and talk about the gifts you will receive for waiting, I think a lot of people would think twice about their sexual decisions. Anyway, in this dream Fr. Lopez (a priest at my school) had this activity to determine who was the chosen to save the school in sake of purity.
All remember was a bloody fingerprint on my finger and my friend Mel said to me, "It's you."
Could it be?
Cheer quote of the day: " We've got the liooon pride, woo! We've got the liooon pride, woo! We got the lion PRIDE lion PRIDE lion PRIDE, lionlionlion, PRIDE PRIDE PRiDE!!" (Lol, my school cheer)


Smara said...

Haha awh, I absolutely LOVE pictures! Taking them & being in them! :D

&Yes! That's definitely a sign from God!!! I want to have one of those clubs at my school .. That'd be awesome! I'm going to be praying for you though, and that whatever God wants you to do about this club, that he will help you and guide you the whole way! We are a public school, and we have a Youth Alive club for Christian kids. I think I'm going to be in it this year, especially because I am called to be a HUGE influence and light of salvation for my school, starting this year. And I think being in that club would help me out! But yeah, like I said, I'll pray for you and God will reveal to you what you're supposed to be doing about this club in no time!!!

Smara said...

She's right! Don't ever forget those words! Plaster them into your mind like glue! :D

Cait said...

You're in my prayers..just don't know if Metro Station should be playing cause well, uh, Trace just does something tooo meeee.

Best on your mission.

::beccaELECTROCUTE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
::beccaELECTROCUTE said...

this club sounds like a good idea.
it would utterly FAIL at my school though, as sad as that is.
but i go to public school now, lol.

and thank you for vistitng my blog!
yours is cute too :)
i love your song too!
and this band.
i just got to see them again in concert a few weeks ago.
it was so amazing!

<3 becca.

Anonymous said...

that is an interesting dream...I think that you should ask someone religious about this, they could probably help you with interpreting this dream....I like the idea of this club and I would love to have one at my school..-Krosemarie

Samuel Lago Pedro said...

well, u know i don't believe in god but anyway i think it was an interesting dream...

i agree with u. that club can be a very good ideia cuz it can teach people in many ways... try on to create it...


Anonymous said...

i think this is awesome. one time i had a dream from God, but it wasnt this... memorable. i did feel a rush of... i dont know what it was. but it was amazing. i met God in a place so undesirable, but the meeting was completely amazing.
but if you feel this dream is leading you somewhere, let it take you.

Sarah said...

i think its a good idea. I wish we had a club like that at our school... there are 6 SIX pregnant girls at our school, and 5 others have had abortions.
maybe I should start one...
it me back

Sarah said...

srry, I meant HIT me back(wow that sounds weird)SArah/beatlesrock

Anonymous said...

I think it's a message. If you want, you can. So, I really wish you luck with the club :)

i'm more like me said...

i think ther would b alot of ppl at our school who would b in that club, not me tho (and not bcuz i dont agree w/ the club 100% but id just miss almost every meeting bcuz id rather b w/ my friends or doing sports)
also i think u should start the club especialy if u feel called 2 do it, hey who knows it could really end up helping some1

Cait said...

Thanks for the comment.

pookieface :] said...

wow, that's amazing. Ive never really had God talk to me or show me anything, and so ive been kind of confused about that, but i just got back from a YoungLife camp and me and my cabin leader were talking for a long time and i feel better about stuff like that. anyway..... that's really amazing and i definateley think its a sign. I seriously think every school should have that. even if it's not a Christian or Catholic one.

Good Luck!!!!!!

Unfurling Flower said...

I just stumbled upon your site through the vintage photography blog....I think you have a wonderful site! I am very shocked to find a person your age with this conviction to not have sex before marriage!! That is a rare and beautiful thing in this world! You stick with it and I can tell you from experience (I'm in my 30's)--it is well worth the wait when God brings you the One He has chosen for you and joins you together in a loving marriage. It is a perfect, true, and pure love from God! And not to mention---a blessing for you and your future mate! Don't let anyone sway you in your conviction! Stick close to the Eternal and He will NEVER lead you astray! You are a beautiful girl and have inspired me to believe the younger generation has hope!! Much love and prayers I send to you! Affectionately, Evie :)