Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm Back, Stranger <3

Hey! It's been awhile...
Due to my lack of updating, I've been concentrating on a few things:My faith, education, and my summer plans. Also, I've been terribly lazy. Lol! Oh, man a lot of crap has been going on actually and I REALLY don't feel like spilling all of my horrible ordeals on the internet. I've been struggling with a lot of things but for quite sometime, my faith has strengthen. ( I will talk about that later) Anyway, I had a pretty tough week. It wasn't my best... but whatever. It's the weekend. Exams are coming up soon. Yikes!! Gosh, I loath those scantrons.

I've had a long day. I'm very tired but I am also very hungry. Hmmm... that doesn't work too well.
Good night!



Anonymous said...

Lol, awesome! Can't wait for another update. I told some of my friends to stop by...<3

Anonymous said...

Awww that boy is so cute!